
THC vs. CBD? (Difference, Medical benefits phonographs, products and a video to sum it all).

So, CBD vs THC, which is which? Though both are used for medical application, THC is always going to stand out for its recreational purposes and psychoactive properties. Yeah, you can use it to help the effects of cancer, but it can also be used as an inciting element of a Seth Rogan movie. CBD…

Can CBD Make Sex Better? Here’s What the Experts Say!

Sex changed for Heather Huff-Bogart when she had her IUD removed. The once fun, pleasurable experience now left her “curled over in pain with cramps.” Eager to find a solution to the problem, she decided to try a personal lubricant infused with cannabidiol (CBD) about six months ago, and noticed immediate improvements. “It helped reduce the pain…

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